You Should Do This: 1 Arm TRX Plank

1 Arm TRX Plank

Planks are really good.

They do lots of good stuff for ya.

But you don’t do them, at least, not enough.

Or, you unfortunately saw something like this,

This is super impressive, from a competitive standpoint. Just not a useful from a “fitness” standpoint.

Your friend at the gym told you they hold a plank for:

insert insanely and mostly useless length of time here _______

and you thought,

“WTF is the point? If I need to waste a whole day just hanging out on my forearms?”

“Not So Fast My Friend”- Lee Corso

Yes, that really is mostly just, hanging out off your low back and doing a whole lot of nothing useful.

But Planks done correctly, those can be awesome.

You’re just not applying the correct tool to the job and using that tool correctly.

If you’re hanging out on your forearms for a minute or two, you’re one of those, “I can do 4 minute plank” people…

You need to up the ante and force the trunk core to do what it’s supposed to do…

” ‘Core stability’ is defined as the ability to control the position and motion of the trunk over the pelvis to allow optimum production, transfer and control of force and motion to the terminal segment in integrated athletic activities.”- The Role of Core Stability in Athletic Function

That is brace the spine, resisting flexion, extension, shear and rotation.

Instability Forces You to Work on Your Stabilizer Muscles

You’ve heard that one before.

It’s kinda true but not really, at least not in the way you think.

Instability doesn’t make the stabilizer muscles stronger, it trains the stabilizer muscles (system) to coordinate the position of the joint better.

The truth is, stabilizer muscles act more like a timing mechanism.

Coordinating the the joint in relation to the applied forces,

stabilizer muscles can be defined as those that contribute to joint stiffness by co-contraction and show an early onset in response to perturbation via either a feed-forward or feedback control mechanism……. key characteristics associated with stabilizer muscles as muscle co-contraction, feed-forward/feedback control, and muscle recruitment patterns.” – Characteristics of Stabilizer Muscles: A Narrative Review

Be it the shoulder, hip, ankle, due in large part to the Henneman Size Principle, once the force applied is greater than the force the stabilizers (smaller, typically deep muscles) can absorb they’re going to be used to TIME the action of the joint, allowing the larger muscles to deal with absorption and creation of force.

Think of it like this.

If you had to catch a falling baby from a fire, would you want to use your rotator cuff?

Other than Brian Shaw, cause I’m guessing his rotator cuff can catch a falling baby, or 10, yours cant.

But your lats, pecs, biceps, delts etc?

It’s a better possibility.

Back to Planks

One of the ways we can improve planks and the function of the core is to use some “instability” training.

Training where the “core” or TRUNK needs to coordinate with the other segments of the body to STOP forces (possible movement) from other body segments and maintain stiffness.

1 Arm TRX Plank


  • Have some width at the feet
  • Tie the rib and hip together, keep them there.
  • Be on the toe pads, NOT the balls of the feet
  • The TRX handle should be centered in the palm of the hand, NOT in the fingers with the hand bent back.
  • Center/ “Pack” the shoulder
  • Arm straight (no bending elbows)
  • Slightly press through the handle from the shoulder.

Bro Tips:

  • Don’t try to start in the position you’re going to perform the 1 Arm TRX Plank In. Set up in an easy position find tension on the strap and walk your way back into position.
  • Active shoulder. If you’re shoulder blade is popping up, that’s no good. It should be active and “scooping” around the shoulder. <—-Scooping is pulling the shoulder blade down and around. 

  • If you’re not sure unsure of your positioning on the 1 Arm TRX Plank do these 2 things:
    1. Do a “self check”, reach over and tap your abs. They hard? They’re on and you’re good to go.
    2. Do you feel it in the low back?
      • No, I feel it in my abs = Carry on
      • Yes, I feel it in my low back = roll your belt buckle to the chin slightly (posterior pelvic tilt) and pull the ribcage down into the abs. Now squeeze your butt hard AF and hold that.
      • Feel it in the abs now? You’re welcome.

If you’re on the fence, YES, a TRX is worth it.

But any suspension trainer will do.

If you go to the above link and buy a TRX, I’ll make like 50 cents…i’m serious. But I’m supposed to disclose that, so here it is.

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About Roy:

I wrote this, if you think it rocks, Like, Tweet, E-mail, share and tell people about this article. If you think it sucks, Like, Tweet, E-mail, share this article and tell people I'm the biggest jerk in the world (or not). Either way thanks for reading, sharing and let me know what you think.