Train Yo’ Core Right….

This is Bad……Like REAL bad…..Like OMG DO NOT do this, bad.



They’re destroying your spinal discs and either leading to back pain or setting you up for pain in the future.

The “Core” is meant to work as a corset around the quite unstable lumbar (low back) spine providing a “bracing” effect to transfer force though the hips and or shoulders.

The Lumbar Spine is not meant to be a loose, unstable, creator of motion no matter what you’re trainer, doctor or yoga instructor says….


This is very, VERY bad for your back…

If you need a more in-depth explanation just go here, here or here

What you should do: Focus on making the “Core” a corset by training it to brace or resist motion.

We do this by using exercises that train:

  • Anti-extension
  • Anti-flexion
  • Anti-rotation

When the “core” is strong and stable in those 3 domains you’re going to end up with a stable Lumbar Spine and a healthier back.

Anti- Extension:

These are exercises that teach and train the core to remain neutral while the spine is extending.


Lumbar Extension

Ab Wheel:

Key Points:

  • Keep the Shoulder “packed”, don get loose on the bottom
  • Squeeze the glutes the whole time
  • Keep as straight line “ears through hips”

Stability Ball Rollouts:

Key Points:

  • Keep the body STABLE, no movement
  • Reach from the elbows
  • Don’t let the hips or shoulders rotate or fall.

TRX Fallouts:

Key Points:

  • Shoulders packed
  • Straight line “ears through ankles”
  • Keep the abs and glutes tight

Slider Pushups:

Key Points:

  • Stay tight from the start, glutes tight abs tight
  • Keep the chest up (throacic extension)
  • Only reach out as far as you can stay flat through the torso and hips

Anti- Flexion:

These exercises train the core to remain neutral while the force acting on the core is to the anterior (front)…ie trying to make you bend over.

Lumbar Flexion

Lumbar Flexion

Good Morning:

Key Points:

  • Upper back tight 
  • Feet under hips
  • Soft knees, push the hips back
  • Chest up, low back locked in
  • Lock out the hips at the top

Front Squat:

Key Points:

  • Chest up
  • Elbows up
  • Load in the hips
  • Stand tall

Racked KB Carry:

Key Points:

  • Stay tall
  • Don’t rotate or lean

Anti- Rotation:

These train the core to remain static while resisting “hoop” or rotational forces.


Lumbar Rotation


Key Points:

  • Hands at chest level
  • Elbows soft but arms long
  • Hips, belly button, shoulders straight.
  • NO ROTATION!…stay tight

One Sided Carries:

Key Points:

  • Stay Straight! No leaning or rotating.
  • Stay Tall
  • Don’t let the weight rest against you
  • Keep your elbows OFF of you, but straight.

Palloff Press:

Key Points:

  • Stay tall
  • Hips, shoulders straight
  • Arms Straight at chest height
  • Crush the handles and Squeeze the glutes

Do NOT expect all of these to be appropriate for YOU. 

Depending on YOUR SPINE and any deformations/ strength/ weaknesses and limitations you have some of these and similar exercises will not be appropriate and WILL CAUSE PAIN.

Don’t do those.

Safe core training is really about understanding and working within your own limits and limitations.

There is no universally safe and appropriate protocol.

However, regardless of your limits and tolerance, training the spine to flex has been shown to be destructive and a program full of crunches and sit ups will eventually reflect that.

While programs based around Anti-Flexion, Anti-Extension, and Anti-Rotation exercises has been associated with healthier spinal disks and better outcomes.

But you’re probably going to go all…“I can’t feel it burn like doing 1,000 crunches”…that’s cool keep doing a million sit ups a day.

Just remember that when you’re 50 and you’re going….“all I did was reach for the I can’t stand up straight”

Great, but loooong interview on the spine, back injuries and “core” training misconceptions:


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About Roy:

I wrote this, if you think it rocks, Like, Tweet, E-mail, share and tell people about this article. If you think it sucks, Like, Tweet, E-mail, share this article and tell people I'm the biggest jerk in the world (or not). Either way thanks for reading, sharing and let me know what you think.


  1. […] hockey training they like to use the word “Core” a […]

  2. อาการปวดหลัง

    Train Yo’ Core Right…. | Roy

  3. […] though it’s probably not the best way to go, most people in the gym still focus on crunches and situps for their core […]