You Should Do This: Battle Rope Row

Pulling, we all need more.

Like a lot more.

Like on a set per set comparison, 2:1, pulling to pushing is a good start for most people.

IF you’ve ever been a client you already know that I’m VERY partial to the TRX/ Ring row.

I think it’s the best rowing exercise going.

It’s scalable and basically fool-proof, plus and best of all, it’s self-limiting.

You can do an ugly rep, but you, and everyone else is going to know it instantly and hopefully that’s when you stop.

So I was looking for new stuff on the Onnit Academy website and saw Battle Rope Inverted Rows and was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?

So I did them and they’re sick nasty…..that means really good.

These are just like any inverted row except they will BLOW up your forearms.

The grip factor is no joke.

Battle Rope Inverted Row:

 On the Youtube too, along with like 300 other videos…and why haven’t you subscribed to my channel yet?

Key Points:  

  • Tight line, ears through ankles, butt and abs tight
  • Grip the rope hard, especially if those feet are up…..
  • Pull through or just under/ over the nipple line.
  • Shoulders stay down in the joint
  • Try to pull the shoulders back as you row
  • Slightly rotating the palms “up” (supination) as you row seems to create a smoother line of pull.

These are a nice back and grip movement.

If you’re trying to bring up your forearms or just get a different pulling stimulus I think these are a great addition.

That said I would NOT recommend supersetting them with any exercise that is reliant on the grip.

Things like heavy bench or dumbbell presses where you need your grip to control the bar…..don’t do it.

But as a secondary movement after your main movement, towards the end of a workout or on a deload week these would be perfect.

Battle Rope Row Des

Need a Rope? Click Here (affiliate link, no lie…)

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About Roy:

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