Red Meat will Kill You!….ohhh, no maybe not….

I like to eat meat

A lot Red Meat Almost bloody and everybody always tells me some variation of, “you’re so health conscious, you’re going to kill yourself, clog your arteries and die of heart disease from all that meat you eat” Yeah well, WRONG BITCHES! Mike Roussell just got this study published, Beef in an Optimal Lean Diet study: effects on lipids, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins– The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition I’ll skip the sciencey stuff for this gem:

heart-healthy dietary patterns that contain lean beef elicit favorable effects on cardiovascular disease (CVD) lipid and lipoprotein risk factors that are comparable to those elicited by a DASH dietary pattern. These results, in conjunction with the beneficial effects on apolipoprotein CVD risk factors after consumption of the BOLD and BOLD+ diets, which were greater with the BOLD+ diet, provide support for including lean beef in a heart-healthy dietary pattern.

Ohhhhhh, man more nutrition dogma, which made no logical sense is downed….. Here is an ok article on red meat and what’s good and bad…but beware you’ll still get statements like this;

1. Does eating red meat increase the risk of cancer and heart disease? A: For heart disease, the answer is pretty clear. Some red meats are high in saturated fat, which raises blood cholesterol. High levels of LDL cholesterol increase the risk of heart disease.

See, it has nothing to do with the color of the meat or where it came from but from the SATURATED FAT CONSUMPTION..there is a difference.

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