Geezers, Get up and lift a damn weight..

During my undergraduate education the dogma of the day regarding exercise and aging went something like this, "When you get old you will lose all your muscle and die". Well not quite. maybe it was more like, "When you get old you should do "weight bearing" exercise to maintain muscle mass, but you'll lose all our muscle eventually anyway, become a invalid and die small and weak, as a gelatinous mound of carbon/ protein based goop". Well guess what? 1980's exercise we like aerobics class, cause 10lbs dumbbell curls do something Yoda's...You are dead wrong...again.... I covered why you geezers should be lifting heavy weights before: Geezers are (Strong) … [Read more...]

“The Legs Feed the Wolf”- Herbie

Herb Brooks is a modern messiah of sorts to anyone who plays hockey. For those not in the know, Herbie was the coach of the 1980 Olympic Hockey team: Yeah, that team..... Herb was the mastermind... Well, Herb was known to be a little eccentric. one of the things he is most remembered for was his sayings, known to his players as "Brooksisms". Players kept a notebook of "Brooksisms," sayings the coach used for motivation, such as: "You're playing worse and worse every day and right now you're playing like it's next month."- AP One of the most memorable "Brooksisms": "Red line, back. Blue line, back. Far blue line, back. Far … [Read more...]