Winter is Coming: Get Ready to Ski.

I Have NEVER Skied. Fun Fact: I train a whole bunch of skiers. More Fun(er) Fact: They don't need "Ski Specific" training to improve. People that sell you "sport specific" are often charlatans who don't actually know what sports specific means. And NO sport specific DOES NOT mean the movement kinda sorta LOOKS like the sporting movement. Sport Specific: For an exercise to be classified as "sport specific" it  MUST, in the same motor regime, accurately replicate similar joint angle velocities as the sporting movement its self.  Most Fun Fact: In my experience, the "training" most skiers (and weekend warriors as a whole) do, isn't training at all. It's … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Miniband Rowing External Rotation

  One of my favorite movies ever is The Original Kings of Comedy. Just so we're all on the same page, this is in no way conceivable, safe for work. There's bad words, it's not P.C., its sexist, racist, misogynist and every other "ist". But funny as all hell. So put some headphones on..... One the best bits is DL Hugley talking about his kids. Basically the bit talks about having a "shitty day". Kids REALLY have shitty days, cause, well, they shit their pants.... Kid: Daddy, my butt's itchy Dad: Sure is son, cause its chock full of Sh@t... That's kinda how I feel when I hear, Client: Roy, my … [Read more...]