The Basics of Band Training…

Training with just bands kind of sucks…and by “kind of”, I mean, it totally blows.

When people pull this sh@t: “Ohh yeah, all I use are bands.”

It’s cause they are either:

  1. Weak
  2. Stupid
  3. Lazy
  4. Trying to sell you some bands and workouts with only bands.
  5. Traveling and need something easy and light to take along (cause if it’s not Cattle Car Southwest, you’re trying to get away with only a carry on too…don’t tell me your not).
  6. They workout at home and don’t want to spend the cash on something more.

If you fall into that last 2 category’s it’s cool, you get a pass.

If you’re in a full size Globo gym and you spend your day tugging on Mr. Fantastic you’re going to have trouble walking and get weird looks really robbing yourself of strength, muscle and well…progress.


There are people who fall into the 4th and 5th category. So sometimes it’s ok to use bands, especially if your choices are bands or:

  • Anything involving Jillian Michaels.
  • Anything involving Tracy Anderson.
  • The Recumbent bike.
  • Latin Dance class Zumba

Basics of the bands: 

Buy good bands NOT tubing:

Mini Band

Mini Band

Bands are solid rubber and will last, yes eventually they will get a nick and tear, but tubbing goes to hell quick and I’ve seen what looked to be perfectly good, intact, tubing break with no warning.



I’ve never seen this happen with a band.

I buy my bands from EliteFTS (this is NOT an affiliate link, none of mine are).

I don’t know if they are still made by the JumpStretch people but they last, are reasonably consistent in tension and are a descent price.

I know there are some other brands out there that are single layer instead of multi layer (Iron Woody and I think Perform Better used to make theirs single layer, I don’t know if they still are).

Multi layer (Jump Stretch and EliteFTS) are many layers of the bands fused together. These are better because if you get a small surface nick the rest of the band is still usable, where as with a single layer band a nick in any part of the band will result in the band tearing and renders it unusable immediately……so buy the nice ones.

Get a Door Anchor:  I’ve seen some on Amazon for $6.

I don’t know if they work or not…

Personally, when I do use bands or have a client that needs travel/ at home workouts I have them invest in the TRX door hanger. The loop for the bands to pass through isn’t as large as i would like but the hanger is VERY sturdy and locks into the door more so than the $6 variety.


Get Some Handles: (If you want): handles help if you want them, especially with females and minibands.

It’s better to be comfortable and be able to work hard and kick ass than worry about the bands digging into your hands the whole time.

Here’s what you do: Buy some handles (Dicks, Perform Better, Power Systems, Amazon) buy some carabiners and connect them….Rocket Science, I know.




Choke the Bands: this really confuses some people. Thread one band through the door hanger then through itself and pull it tight.

Try to keep the knot close to the door hanger.

Workout: AKA Where the magic happens (other than every athlete/ rapper/ celebrity’s bedroom on MTV Cribs and Dany Pudi’s bedroom…where real magic happens)

This is NOT SAFE FOR WORK (well it is, until the end)…


Considerations for your workout:

Band Tension: The best part about bands is that they have variable resistance (this can also be a curse).

Obviously, as the band stretches the resistance increases.

This means you have to be smart about choosing a resistance band:

Some women could benefit from getting a light band but for the most part a monster mini will be enough. Guys, you don’t need an Average band..there is nothing “average” about them.

 Here are the two rules to follow:

  1. Don’t let the tension on the bands unload at the any point. (Obviously, it will be the start point).
  2. Never have so much tension that you can not complete the motion with a full ROM.

Bands on the Bar and Compensatory Acceleration:Totally different subject for a totally different time. But, but but.

The last year or so I’ve seen lots of people putting bands on bars without much care for what bands, what weight is on the bar (as a percentage of 1RM), how the bands are set up and what they’re trying to get out of that exercise.

Bands on the bar works, but context matters.

In general, don’t do this, just get stronger with straight weight ..when you’re strong enough that bands would help more than straight weight you’ll know when, where and how to use bands on the bars. Until then, keep them off, your joints and tendons will thank you.

Go to my YouTube page and check out some band exercises…..or just hit play on the screen below (it’s the Band Exercise Playlist from my YouTube page)….


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About Roy:

I wrote this, if you think it rocks, Like, Tweet, E-mail, share and tell people about this article. If you think it sucks, Like, Tweet, E-mail, share this article and tell people I'm the biggest jerk in the world (or not). Either way thanks for reading, sharing and let me know what you think.