Search Results for: half kneeling

You Should Do This: Half Kneeling Chaos Pallof

"Get Your Core Tight" What the hell does that actually mean? It seems to mean different things to different people. The old school powerlifter means, "Push your belly out into your belt" The functional fitness, physioball, guru means, "Pull your belly button to your spine" The "I don't really know what that means" weekend warrior means, "Round over, perform a half crunch and try to flex your 6 pack abs" So  What the Hell Does "Get Your Core Tight" Actually Mean?  To me, it means create, and maintain a neutral hip/ spine/ ribcage alignment regardless of the magnitude and direction of forces applied to you. ie. Maintain the Pillar. Your Core As a Coke … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Half Kneeling Corner Press

  Fun "Fact" (actually its an "informed opinion" based on the personal experience of yours truly: The Vast Majority of People Should NOT Overhead Press. Not everyone, not all, but most. Wait But What? "The Shoulder Press is A Foundational Movement" I agree, its great when done correctly. It strengthens the shoulders, triceps, upper chest and core, strong enough, even the legs. But most can't do them correctly. Don't believe me? Walk by just about any group exercise class doing shoulder pressing and you'll see: Overarched backs The weight out in front of the body Elbows out at 90 degrees only using 50% range of motion. Most people … [Read more...]

Half Kneeling: It’ll Fix What Ails Ya.

Q: What Makes Everything Harder? A: Half Kneeling... Do it in half kneeling and it's harder. Shoulder Press Corner Press Cable Row Pallof Press Do them in half kneeling, go ahead, use less weight... Its harder. Why? In the words of Gray Cook: "Tall and Half Kneeling Positions force you to OWN your position" In My Words, "You Can't Half-Ass, Half-Kneeling" When in Half-Kneeling it's really tough to hide your weaknesses with NO LOAD. Add even minimal loads and there's no denying it. Half-Kneeling is an Inherently Unstable Position. Yes, it tries to put you on your ass. Unless you align, activate, brace and move with solid, effective … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Tall Kneeling Pallof Iso Holds

  Glutes Are Core Lets face it, we could all use a little bit more of both. And the truth is, glutes ARE core. But Roy, "I thought only abs are core." Abzzz are core, but so are glutes. How Are Glutes Core? Abs are primarily meant to STOP motion through the lumbar spine/ "core". The problem with this is that the abs work best when the spine is in neutral. We also call this the Cylinder or Neutral Scissor Position Neutral spine is RELIANT on a neutral pelvis... Wait But What? Yeah, the sacrum, the last segment OF YOUR SPINE is integrated with your pelvis. INTEGRATED, as in, it's the middle segment. You literally can't build a pelvis … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Split Squat Row

Is the Split Squat Row THE MOST Sadistic Exercise I Know? Lots of people (myself included) do half kneeling rows. They're great. They train: Stability Glute activation Lats Anti-rotation and most importantly half kneeling rows put all those things together into one brutally efficient movement for training stability and bracing. But eventually you can't row any more weight, there's just too much on the stack, it pulls you forward and it becomes impossible to maintain position. Truth is, half kneeling rows for more advanced athletes are not even close to being the best "back" exercise for … [Read more...]

“I Have TIght Hamstrings” Part 2: Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Last time we dealt with the dreaded No Ass Syndrome and how that can give you some tight hamstrings. This week we'll take on the most common culprit. No Core.... And the overactive, super tight quads that follow. I affectionally call this the Duck Butt, but the technical term is Anterior Pelvic Tilt from Cathedral Chiropractic Basically, the pelvis, the bowl of water is tipped forward. Before we get any farther, some degree of Anterior Pelvic Tilt is pretty common and can be considered "normal" posture. In fact anterior pelvic tilt is the most common postural adaptation in athletes: "The most commonly reported sport-specific postural adaptations of the … [Read more...]

Sloppy Shoulders and Bad Rows

Or How to Get a Funcked up Rotator Cuff. Or The Approximation Monologues. Or Just Keep Your Damn Shoulders in the Joint....Damn it. Shoulders are really very complex. The shoulder joint isn't actually one "shoulder" joint. It's 3: Sternoclavicular: Where the sternum and clavicle come together Acromioclavicular: Where the acromion and clavicle come together Glenohumeral: Where the humerus fits/articulates into the glenoid fossa.  Because of this the shoulder joint has a lot of movement, as in The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint on the human body.  This means it's also a lot like Charlie Sheen on drugs, not just awesome, but … [Read more...]

Put Your Barbell, Not Baby, in the Corner…

Cause Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner... Except Swayze....he can But you can and should put your barbell in a corner. I do Often. Angled Barbell training (sometimes they call it the Landmine training, but that's all not cool anymore even though it was fine for a long time) THANKS PC POLICE! Any who, angled barbell training is one of those things that looks super douche(y) but it's actually kinda cool. Why I likes it a lot: It gives common exercises a slightly different feel It's easy to switch exercises It's easy to change weights How to do It: <----pay attention. Getting the setup correct is … [Read more...]