Learning the Hip Hinge, When You’ve Got no Hips

Chances Are, You Suck At This You're probably either doing the stiff knees: got it from Sparkbmxtraining  or the rounded low back This is from CliftonParkchiro or both.... See Wha' Had Happen Wazz You're all like the Tin Man. [Tweet "You can't move from the hip, hell you don't even know what a hip is..."] We gotta change that, cause without some hips you're gonna (probably) get some big time fugazi awesome feelings in your lower back. Now this is what hinging the hip looks like: From Bodybuilding.com Hips back Shins Vertical Chest "up" Straight line shoulders through hips Lower back in neutral I know what you're thinking, it's … [Read more...]

What Moving your Couch and Exercise Have in Common and it’s NOT Back Pain

Or, Spend $10 at Lowes and Up Your Game. As far as I know Valerie Waters is a VERY good trainer, and she is without doubt VERY successful. She should get ALL credit for thinking up using furniture sliders as exercise equipment. I'm sure someone did it before her, but she popularized it. So, in this age of the internet guru "inventing" exercises and programs and that jackassery, I'm just trying to give credit where it's due. Thanks Val. To the Point: Once you have some training/ strength under your belt, you should go to Lowes (it's not that I dislike Home Depot, it's just that they don't have the right size...ie. the BIG ones) and spend $10. Don't sweat … [Read more...]

There Actually ARE Uses for the Stability Ball

The Right Tool For the Right Job The Stability ball, just like Kettlebells, Sliders, the TRX etc. is just another tool in the toolbox. [Tweet "That means there is a time and a place for unstable surface training in a program."] Here's a quick reference guide: Never the time and the place... Sometimes the time and the place. The time and the place, a lot of the time that doesn't mean MOST... First things first, When is NEVER the time? Almost All Lower Body Training and Upper Body Strength Work Why NEVER on the Lower Body? Cause it doesn't work like that homie. Caveat: yes unstable surfaces work well in the rehabilitation of lower limb … [Read more...]

Know where you come from..and RIP Larry Scott

"You can't know where you're going unless you know where you've been." Will Smith in Hitch Unfortunately, this is too often the case when it comes to Physical Culture in Merica' these days. Everyone has or is THE Thing of the Minute. The new and improved version. It's ground breaking, different, more efficient. And usually, it's more of the same and none of the above. P90X? They used to call that body-weight circuit training. Muscle Confusion? Wasn't that Weider Principle #102, variety. CrossFit? Again, circuit training, only this time we're using more complex modalities and lots of barbells. Shaun T? That Mary Franklin not only got himself some Hip … [Read more...]

What the F* is the “Open Side”, the Value of Offset Loading

Common Email From An Online Client: "Roy, what the hell is the "open side". followed up with "Why do we do this?" Welp, Here's the Answer(s) The "Open Side"/ Offset Loading Explained:  When we load traditionally, the weight in both hands, it's easier to balance the load. Because the load is spread across a greater "surface area" in that the entire shoulder girdle and core is activated about equally. The weight is more evenly distributed across the hips. Basically, the pull on the system is more "even" left to right and because most motion occurs in the saggital plane (front to back) an even load means that less tension/ force has to be allocated to … [Read more...]

People Care What I Think!

Not Really.... But I did get interviewed for some articles recently. <-----This clearly means I have achieved expert Jedi Master status. In hockey training they like to use the word "Core" a lot. So much so that I got interviewed, along with Maria Mountain (who actually is kinda famous for this) for an article that appeared in USA Hockey's Adult Hockey Newsletter: Why Strengthening Your Core is Key- Michael Rand Some other Core pontificating here: Train Yo' Core Right, Doing it Better: Planking Eat Everyone has to do it. And every day there is a new "It" diet out there promising insanely fast fat loss, muscle gain and Super Mario … [Read more...]

With Age Comes Wisdom…..

Or so they say.... Stoled it from Bluemoonblog Now that I've been on this earth for a third of a decade I'd like to think I've learned a thing or two. So in honor of getting old(er) here's some things I think I've learned about my fitness: 1. I can't do at 33 what I could do at 23. My workouts even 2 years ago were much "more" than they are today. More volume, more intensity....more of everything. What I've learned is that my recovery just isn't what it used to be and I need to be more mindful of that. I used to feel "beat up" most of the week. Despite less sleep and a boatload more stressors, backing off a little has helped my recovery immensely. I … [Read more...]

The Kettlebell Swing, It’s not a Squat/ Front Raise and it Doesn’t go Overhead.

The Kettlebell Swing: What are swings about? What's the purpose? A. Loaded hip hinging and  FORCEFUL hip extension. http://youtu.be/VP8Jhjcxj78 RKC, HKC, Strong First...it doesn't matter who teaches it and the nuances, some hinge more, some less, regardless, it's about hip hinging and extension. Whats hip hinging? It's engaging/ creating motion from the hips...or pushing the HIPS back without creating motion at the low back. http://youtu.be/cu6XobuUQkU What does hip extension look like you ask? See that arrow? It's pointing out the FULLY extended hip.  It's about using your ass to bring the hips into a fully locked out position. Think hips … [Read more...]