Search Results for: combination exercises

Client Testimonials

Online Coaching Clients: "I've always been the girl who was terrified of gym class growing up, I never played sports, I've never felt strong..till now. Roy has helped me move mountains. Just looking at pictures he knew what I had problems with (which blew my mind). He's a straight shooter and will tell you what works and wont work. Each workout is tailored to you, unlike other fad programs out there. As a women I was scared I was going to lose my curves, that so wasn't the case. If you want to change your body for the better, to feel less aches and pains, and to just feel strong, Roy's your guy. It's only been 3 months and I can't wait to see what another 3 months will … [Read more...]

The Kettlebell Swing, It’s not a Squat/ Front Raise and it Doesn’t go Overhead.

The Kettlebell Swing: What are swings about? What's the purpose? A. Loaded hip hinging and  FORCEFUL hip extension. RKC, HKC, Strong doesn't matter who teaches it and the nuances, some hinge more, some less, regardless, it's about hip hinging and extension. Whats hip hinging? It's engaging/ creating motion from the hips...or pushing the HIPS back without creating motion at the low back. What does hip extension look like you ask? See that arrow? It's pointing out the FULLY extended hip.  It's about using your ass to bring the hips into a fully locked out position. Think hips … [Read more...]

The Circus is in Town

Too often this happens: Exercise is overly complex and difficult to do <----- person equates overcoming a difficult obstacle with success/ progress--------> difficult exercise's value is given credence. Such thinking is a logical fallacy: Appeal to Novelty Appeals to novelty assume that the newness of an idea is evidence of its truth. They are thus also related to the bandwagon fallacy. That an idea is new certainly doesn’t entail that it is true. Many recent ideas have no merit whatsoever, as history has shown; every idea, including those that we now reject as absurd beyond belief, were new at one time. Some ideas that are new now will surely go the same … [Read more...]

Beach Season is Coming….Fat Loss Workouts

Workouts are NOT the most important thing for 99% of the population when trying to get Beach Ready. Diet is.....but you knew that already. You can workout all the time but if your diet sucks you'll just be a "fat guy with big forearms". None the less workouts are really important because without them you end up skinny but with no're just a fat guy with small forearms smaller fat person but still a fat person. In the Biz this is called "Skinny Fat" Let's face it, no one want to be  "Skinny Fat". Skinny, but a high percentage of fat and almost no muscle. This IS NOT the goal. So we have to program workouts that will maintain or even … [Read more...]

26 in the Books….. Now What? Part 1

Take a Break...... Seriously do (almost) nothing... Last Saturday was the Baltimore Running Festival....known to most of us as the Baltimore Marathon and a LOT of people participated in some form. If you're already a runner or in pretty good shape and just did a leg of the team relay you're OK to get back to training, but if you did the half or whole marathon you should do yourself a favor and take some downtime. I know runners don't like to hear that because they live in some irrational, fear- based alternate universe (don't we all) where after 6 months of intensive training, taking the next 4 weeks off from running, notice I said "running" NOT all activity,  … [Read more...]