Search Results for: combination exercises

Combination Lifts, Why I Don’t Use Them…

Mostly cause they suck...... Why would you do a lunge and a curl? What benefit do you get out of doing these together that you wouldn't get out of doing them apart? I honestly can't think of one... Why not just squat then press? Now I'm not talking about dumbbell or barbell complex's, one exercise after the next with the same barbell or dumbbell, those have a purpose. "Conditioning" Weak point training Fat loss training Example: Same weight, same bar, no rest.... Complexes, unlike combination lifts, move in a logical order from one lift to the next with the order of the lifts being … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Row W/ Miniband Around Wrist

  Han Solo and Chewbacca Penn and Teller Bill and Ted Wayne and Garth Mulder and Scully like all great combos the sum value of the system is greater than the individual value(s) of both parts combined. Somehow a great combination makes 120% where only 100% should exist. The TRX Row With Miniband Around the Wrists is no exception. Most combination exercises suck because one of the exercises isn't really challenged at all. In things like  lunge into biceps curl or Deadlift into shoulder press, half of the movement is basically just going through the motions. This isn't that because really, you're not combining exercises, you're just adding a … [Read more...]

Spring Ankle to Fix Your Weak Feet

For a long time I've realized, People Lack Foot Strength and generally just have F-ed up feet, Collapsed arches Flat Feet Bunions Immobility Plantar Fasciitis Heel Spurs Lack of motor control And so much more!!!! I cant tell you how many people I've recommended foot mobility and strengthening exercises to. I can tell you how many people have taken the advice/ homework and consistently done them.... Keep in mind, things like foot exercises need to be done regularly, as in EVERY DAMN DAY. Why So Often? You're loading your feet all day, every day. They're the product of how you've lived loaded them To create change in these tissues you're going to … [Read more...]

You Should Do This: Slider Side Lunge

Slider Side Lunge Most of what we do in the weight room occurs in the astral plane sagittal plane. These are forward/ back ward movements like squats, lunges, bench press, pullups etc. This makes sense. Much of life occurs in this plane too. Most, not all. A LOT of life occurs in the other planes too. Transverse and Frontal and the truth of truths is that MOST things actually occur in a combination of ALL these planes of movement. Muscles coordinate actions across joints to control the movement creating the desired outcome. Well, anyone who has done literally ANYTHING even mildly athletic knows.... NOT Allowing Movement is Just As Important as … [Read more...]

Winter is Coming: Get Ready to Ski.

I Have NEVER Skied. Fun Fact: I train a whole bunch of skiers. More Fun(er) Fact: They don't need "Ski Specific" training to improve. People that sell you "sport specific" are often charlatans who don't actually know what sports specific means. And NO sport specific DOES NOT mean the movement kinda sorta LOOKS like the sporting movement. Sport Specific: For an exercise to be classified as "sport specific" it  MUST, in the same motor regime, accurately replicate similar joint angle velocities as the sporting movement its self.  Most Fun Fact: In my experience, the "training" most skiers (and weekend warriors as a whole) do, isn't training at all. It's … [Read more...]

The Greatness of the Great Toe: Part 1

The Big Toe It's the Biggest Toe For a Reason Take your shoes off... I'll wait... Socks too. Ok, look at your foot. Which one is it more like? From: Foot Morphological Difference between Habitually Shod and Unshod Runners The "crumpled up" one on the left, or the "splayed out" one on the right? Look like the crumpled up one? That's what a lifetime in shoes does to you. Unfortunately, crumpled up feet that look like this have become "normal" in todays society. Just Cause It's "Normal", Doesn't Mean It's Right At least not from an evolutionary standpoint. We're meant to have wide, splayed out feet. "A logical prediction from an engineering view of an ideal foot is … [Read more...]

Maybe You SHOULD Do Yoga

Last time I wrote this hand grenade about why Yoga might not be the best option for you. And subsequently watched my subscriber list get decimated. So I guess some folks got all butt hurt...or they just don't like me and think I write like poop. Either way, here's why you might actually want, hell, you NEED Yoga in your life. The #1 Reason, By Far... Yoga Teaches You How To Breath..... Again Yes, you breath wrong, at least for the situation. You're Waaay Too Damn Stressed......ALL THE TIME. In modern life we worry about too damn many things. Mortgage Car bill Grocery bill Fights with the significant other Bosses Subordinates The cable … [Read more...]

Confused Muscles, the WOD Mentality and Why you Never Get any Better.

People have workout ADD. They can't stick to one god damn thing for more than 2 workouts in a row without getting "bored". Every-workout is different, every month, a new goal. That, my friends, is why: YOU SUCK. Here's the thing, maybe if you actually took the time to learn some lifts, what it feels like to be under some strain and perfected some technique you wouldn't suck. But that Would be Boring. It would take practice and the realization that next week, on Tuesday, you'll be doing basically, the same damn thing. Confused Muscles and the WOD Mentality: X-Fit and P90X both are all about doing different stuff everyday. That's one of the big reasons why … [Read more...]