Book Review: The Charlie Francis Training System

Charlie Francis reached the peak of his coaching career when his athlete won a gold medal in the 100 meters at the 1988 Summer Olympics. THE  single most highly regarded achievement in the world of sports among physical preparation coaches. Why? Cause everybody runs...and the guy who wins the 100 at the Olympics is, THE FASTEST MAN IN THE WORLD and that sh@t matters. Problem was that athlete was Ben Johnson.....yeah, THAT, Ben Johnson. The one who got disqualified for steroid use. So now you're all like, "How is he so great? His athletes used steroids and steroids are evil tools of cheaters. Righteous, virgin athletes like Lance Armstrong, Arnold … [Read more...]

Good “Chefs”, Bad “Cooks”

I spent last weekend at the Central Virginia Sports Performance Seminar on the University of Richmond campus. It was once again the best collection of speakers at ANY seminar or conference in ALL of North America, yes Canada, I'm throwing you a bone. When you have two days of people like: Dr. Natalia Verkhoshansky- The daughter and long time right hand of Dr. Yuri Verhkoshansy (the greatest sports scientist EVER). Dr. Michael Kalinski- Head physiological biochemist for the USSR doping program among other prestigious appointments. Henk Kraaijenhof- Maybe the greatest living olympic sport coach in the world. Dr. Michael Yessis- One of the worlds foremost … [Read more...]

Stress, Bad Breathing and Stressed Posture.

Stress sucks Ballzzz.... Stolen Borrowed from I mean, it's necessary for life and all, but too much of it can really jack-you-up....especially if it's prolonged. And these days it's prolonged...waaaay too prolonged. There seems to be a never-ending To-Do list. The minute something gets done, something else happens, and we never have time, and we never break even and we never get ahead....and, for the most part, it's all B.S. “the things we all find stressful- traffic jams, money, worries, overwork, the anxieties of relationships. Few of them are “real” in the sense that the zebra or lion would understand. In our privileged lives, we are … [Read more...]

How to get Happy Gilmore Distance

Want to hit the ball like Happy Gilmore? There are 2 rules to follow: Have awesome technique. Get REALLY strong. Truth No matter how strong you are and what training program you're doing, if your technique sucks, your golf swing will suck ballzzzz. If this is the case, go get a good coach to clean up your technique. However, if you have good technique, you NEED to be strong. None of this circus, side-show, BS that get's thrown around when people talk about training golfers. Yes, this is incredibly difficult but also incredibly stupid. Golf is a Power/ Strength sport, NOT an endurance game and NOT a "balance" game. I know a round takes 4-5 … [Read more...]

Foot and Ankle Care for Runners

Running can be really bad for you. It's roughly 1,500 steps in a mile.... Hello, overuse injury! Sh@t can literally scar your heart and kill you....I'm actually being serious here. But, that's the extreme, chances are you're just gonna go run a couple of miles a few times a week and be miserable tell people how awesome it is, but we all know that's a lie. Creds to Even the inspirational posters say it sucks..."It won't stop hurting"...???????? The only place where you'll see people running and having a good time are TV commercials and fitness magazines. When was the last time you actually saw someone running … [Read more...]

Knees OUT!…Or You’re ASS Ain’t Doing It’s Job

I spend approximately 99.5% of my day hugging puppies yelling: KNEES OUT! This Should NEVER happen: But does all the time. It's really bad... For Comparison: This is really good. So what's going on in the first photo? Short Answer: Your Ass is in, it's not working.. Long(er) Answer: Glutes act as an external rotator on the Femur (upper leg bone) and they are not strong enough to: Rotate the Femur out.  Stabilize the hip. How do we know this? The knee collapses toward the midline because when it does the glutes stretch at the top of the Femur, when the glutes (or any muscle) stretches it FIRES. When muscles fire, they … [Read more...]

Metabolic Finishers to Accelerate Fat Loss..Or, How to Hate Life in 10 Minutes or Less

Metabolic Finishers are a really good way to beat the living sh@t out of yourself get some fat-loss training in after some heavy training. We pretty much covered this here, but folks wanted some examples... Why Finishers? After lifting something heavy you should be pretty finishers are a good usually self-limiting exercise(s) that let you get good force output and burn some calories, without getting hurt, even though you're already pretty drained. Traditional circuits, usually, are not a good choice here (but body weight circuits are ok) because we're looking for exercises that we can go hard and switch easily. Having to adjust benches, dumbbells … [Read more...]

Stop Doing This: 5 Worst Machines!

Free Motion Squat Machine: Want to learn how NOT to squat correctly?......Do this. Why it's jacked-up: You're feet are out in front of you and your hips and back are locked into the pad. It teaches you to hinge from the knees and NOT the hips. Hell you physically CAN NOT hinge the hips. This means ALL QUADS, very little glute (only if you get low enough), and NO hamstrings. Ask someone to squat and 99 out of 100 times they break at the knees and move forward. In a good squat you should break from the HIPS and sit BACK into the motion. Think about it this way: If you had to take a crap in the woods you wouldn't sh@t on … [Read more...]