RandomThoughts on Strength Training

Lets get some things straight: 1) Exercise Intensity: Percentage of 1 Rep Maximum..... It's a scientific, numerical, value...not a "feeling" about how "tough" a workout is. 2) Max Effort Training is about training at or above 90% of your 1 Rep Maximum. It has NOTHING to do with the "effort" you "feel" you are putting out. It's all about the relative intensity of the exercise. It's a NUMERICAL VALUE....if you can't put a MEASURABLE NUMBER on it...it's not Intense. Therefore, your 3 hour Zumba class, unless measured through the use of heart rate monitoring and judged against maximum hear rate, was not intense. Now that, that's out-of-the-way. 3) Max … [Read more...]

Beach Season is Coming….Fat Loss Workouts

Workouts are NOT the most important thing for 99% of the population when trying to get Beach Ready. Diet is.....but you knew that already. You can workout all the time but if your diet sucks you'll just be a "fat guy with big forearms". None the less workouts are really important because without them you end up skinny but with no muscle...you're just a fat guy with small forearms smaller fat person but still a fat person. In the Biz this is called "Skinny Fat" Let's face it, no one want to be  "Skinny Fat". Skinny, but a high percentage of fat and almost no muscle. This IS NOT the goal. So we have to program workouts that will maintain or even … [Read more...]

Exercises You Should Do:

Here are 3 somewhat unconventional exercises that would be well worth your time to include in a program. One Arm Floor Press: Upper Chest Builder Extraordinaire  http://youtu.be/JQcMBZj9Yc0 This exercise DESTROYS your upper chest more so than just about any other pressing exercise. Key Points: At Set Up: Legs Straight out, knees flat. Press your heels into the ground. Shoulders "packed" pinched together and pulled down(chest up). Push the "open" elbow into the ground. Crush the dumbbell. Forearm straight at start, elbow at 90 degrees. Pressing: Drive the shoulders down  Press OVER the chest No Rotating On the Way Down: Soft … [Read more...]

Train Yo’ Core Right….

This is Bad......Like REAL bad.....Like OMG DO NOT do this, bad. STOP DOING CRUNCHES, SITUPS and TWISTING MOVEMENTS! They're destroying your spinal discs and either leading to back pain or setting you up for pain in the future. The "Core" is meant to work as a corset around the quite unstable lumbar (low back) spine providing a "bracing" effect to transfer force though the hips and or shoulders. The Lumbar Spine is not meant to be a loose, unstable, creator of motion no matter what you're trainer, doctor or yoga instructor says.... If you need a more in-depth explanation just go here, here or here... What you should do: Focus on making the "Core" a … [Read more...]

The Basics of Band Training…

Training with just bands kind of sucks...and by "kind of", I mean, it totally blows. When people pull this sh@t: "Ohh yeah, all I use are bands." It's cause they are either: Weak Stupid Lazy Trying to sell you some bands and workouts with only bands. Traveling and need something easy and light to take along (cause if it's not Cattle Car Southwest, you're trying to get away with only a carry on too...don't tell me your not). They workout at home and don't want to spend the cash on something more. If you fall into that last 2 category's it's cool, you get a pass. If you're in a full size Globo gym and you spend your day tugging on Mr. Fantastic … [Read more...]

Combination Lifts, Why I Don’t Use Them…

Mostly cause they suck...... Why would you do a lunge and a curl? What benefit do you get out of doing these together that you wouldn't get out of doing them apart? I honestly can't think of one... http://youtu.be/Kj2Uzx4_1q4 Why not just squat then press? Now I'm not talking about dumbbell or barbell complex's, one exercise after the next with the same barbell or dumbbell, those have a purpose. "Conditioning" Weak point training Fat loss training Example: Same weight, same bar, no rest.... http://youtu.be/W6Rp5s84ZYQ Complexes, unlike combination lifts, move in a logical order from one lift to the next with the order of the lifts being … [Read more...]

You Can Never Have Too Much Ass….

It's a universal truth. The easiest, quickest way for most people to feel and perform better is to get their ass in gear...literally, like, make it do something other than store Krispy Cremes. "for us, for athletes, glutes are everything -- the absolute epicenter and powerhouse of all athletic movement. It's all about the ass."- Mark Verstegen Simply put, the glutes are the most important muscle group in the body. "Maybe normal people don't discuss this all day long, but we sure do," says Titans quarterback Matt Hasselbeck. "Every strength coach I've ever been around, it's glute, glute, glute -- always, always, always. It's a broken record. I can't tell you how … [Read more...]

20 Tweets About Training…..

Twitter kinda sucks.... I mean, think about it: You have a private conversation but in public? But, it's not completely worthless. There are TONS of fitness info tweets and articles that are on there everyday. Which has cut down the time it takes me to go though finding articles  so I'm on it a lot. Here's just a random list of some of the best tweets I've come across over the last few … [Read more...]